Ko Kaputerangi te maunga
Ko Ohinemataroa te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Hokopū te hapū
Ko Te Whare o Toroa te marae
No Whakatāne ahau
Ko Dylan Stewart taku ingoa
Dylan Stewart is a qualified Chartered Accountant with 13 years in the industry having graduated from Otago University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting and Economics. Dylan has worked in a number of accounting firms in Dunedin, Wellington and Whakatāne, as well as working as Finance Manager and sometimes CFO at Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Ltd. After a brief stint as a stay-at-home dad he is back in the accounting profession at Ake Accounting.
With a passion for helping people meet their potential and pushing them to strive for more Dylan has worked with a wide variety of clients spanning from iwi in a variety of industries to smaller local businesses.
While it has previously been a difficult subject to broach with people Dylan knows that we live in a world where we need to keep our finances at the front of mind to ensure we can continue to do the work we are passionate about and help those most in need.
Using his knowledge to help Te Puna Ora o Mataatua to grow and better serve our people throughout the Rohe is front of mind.
Dylan’s governance and leadership styles are forward-focused and leading from the front, where he displays the behaviour and qualities that are needed within the organisation. Using financial analysis and a good understanding of the financial necessities of the industry and organisation will help him lead the financial oversight to ensure we are set up to get to where we want to go. An organisation needs to understand where it is going so that any potential actions taken can be assessed as to whether it is moving us in the right direction.
After moving home to Whakatāne in 2021 Dylan was and still is excited to better connect with his community and help to provide sound financial advice and a sounding board to those needing it. This has led to his appointment as Trustee on local Ahu Whenua Trusts as well as providing financial analysis to Boards as an external consultant.
Outside of mahi Dylan’s time is spent chasing around his 3 tamariki alongside his wife, spending time at the beach or out for a bike ride.