Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Matariki 2023

Kaiarataki Pūmanawa Tangata

HR Team Lead / Advisor I Full time Permanent


He aha te tūnga I About the role

Our hardworking kaimahi are out there on the frontline delivering services to vulnerable whānau day in day out, and the aim of the HR team is to awhi our kaimahi and managers to enable them to do what they do best. Ka pai ki muri, ka pai ki mua, ka pai ngā mea katoa!

Te Puna Ora o Mātaatua employ approx. 100+ weekly kaimahi and 400+ support workers, so you can imagine the wide variety of kaupapa our team can be working on at any one time.


Nga pūkenga me whai I Your skills and experience

We’re looking for a confident HR practitioner who is great with people and very IT-savvy. Someone who makes tikanga Māori an everyday practice at work and is aligned to the values set out in our cultural framework, Te Poutokomanawa o Te Puna Ora.

To hit the ground running, we’d hope that you’d be able to bring with you:

  • Significant recruitment experience
  • Confidence to provide generalist HR advice, coaching, and support to kaimahi and managers
  • Some experience working with unions
  • A good understanding of risk management.

Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

We are a supportive kaupapa Māori organisation, committed to developing our kaimahi. As well as offering an attractive professional development budget and pathways for career development, we have several opportunities to whakapiki wairua including social sports, Kura Reo, and instant access to leave.

Tukua mai tō tono inaianei I Apply Now

If you’re confident in your practice, proficient in providing expert advice to staff and management, and have demonstrated experience in supporting complex HR cases, we want to hear from you!

To apply, please complete our online Application for Employment Form on our website. For a confidential discussion, contact Pamai Simpson (HR Manager) on 021 032 6103. This role will remain open until it’s filled.

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