Te Puna Ora o Mataatua is a proud Gold Sponsor for Ngāti Awa Te Toki, held on October 26 & 27 at Whakatāne Rugby Park!
Nau mai ki Rehua Nuku Ora for health kōrero and assessments with specialists and our Rehua Medical team. E haere ana mātou ki Ngāti Awa Te Toki.
Appointments are limited.
Kaumātua mā, nau mai ki te wāhi noho kua whakaritea e mō kouotu.
Kaumātua over 65 are invited to the Kaumātua Zone at the Te Puna Ora o Mataatua marquee for shelter, seating and kai while enjoying the finest of Ngāti Awa kapa haka.
Whānau mā, tamariki mā, nau mai ki te wāhi noho mā te whānau.
Find our whānau and tamariki zones at Ngāti Te Toki.
“Ko Ngāti Awa te Toki te tangatanga i te ra, te ngohengohe i te wai”, meaning Ngāti Awa is the adze whose bindings cannot be loosened by the sun nor softened by the rain.
The vision recognises future ambitions and aspirations of Ngāti Awa, led by Ngāti Awa, for whānau, marae, hapū and iwi.
The aspirations of Ko Ngāti Awa te Toki are Tūrangawaewae, Tū Pakari, Toi Ora and Mauri Ora.
Ngāti Awa Te Toki provides a platform for each hapū of Ngāti Awa to exercise their individual hapūtanga and Ngāti-Awatanga, ultimately contributing to the strategic directions of Tūrangawaewae, Cultural Identity & Connectivity for ngā uri o ngā hapū o Ngāti Awa, as well as other iwi and the wider community.