Ki a koutou ngā kahurangi, noho mai rā hei whetū piata i te pō, hei whetū whakamahara mō ake tonu atu.

Koutou kua huri ki tua o te pae, koutou kua ngaro ki te pō, ko ō mātauranga ka mau hei para i tō tātou ara, ake ake nei. 

Our rangatira were more than our hoa mahi; they were kaimatawhānui, kaititiro, kaimanaaki. Their dedication, innovation, and wairua remain woven into our story.

As you explore the profiles of our pakeke, we invite you to reflect on their achievements and the lasting impact they’ve had on our organisation.

Waiho mā o rātou pūrākau e whakaoho i ngā uri o te inamata, o te anamata anō hoki.

Brian Simpson

Brian was a determined, caring and visionary man who ensured what we did served our communities with a particular emphasis on the cultural and holistic care and well-being of the vulnerable and those who had been under-served by a health, social, employment and education system.

Maanu Paul (ONZM, JP)

Maanu Paul was a staunch advocate for kaupapa Māori and imbued Te Poutokomanawa o Te Puna Ora o Mataatau into the organisation to ensure we infused a tikanga based, kaupapa Māori centric model that would support the improvement of health and wellbeing outcomes for clients, whānau and hapori.

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