He kaupapa whakahirahira mō te hapori, Te Taonga o Te Aroha, brought together whānau for a day of creative taonga-making and sharing of aroha.
The free kaupapa, hosted at Acacia House from 10am to 3pm, gave our whānau the opportunity to craft personalised taonga for themselves or their whānau. Moving from station to station, i whakarākei, i hanga, i whakapaipai i ā rātou taonga.
Anei ētahi o ngā mahi:
- Miss Maia earrings making
- Crystal necklaces and bath salts
- Raranga
- Tīpuna mindset cards
- Macrame and dream catchers
- Rongoā face serums and masks
Adding to the whakaaro of giving, the kaupapa included a free kākahu section where whānau could select items to take to their kāinga.
A dedicated gift-wrapping station was also available, allowing whānau to beautifully package their handmade creations or clothing.
Ko te aronga nui o te kaupapa nei ko te āwhina i ngā whānau i te wā o te Kirihimete.
Today’s kaupapa concludes public events and Te Taonga o te Aroha resumes āpōpō with private whānau portraits.
Mō ngā pitopito kōrero: https://www.tpoom.co.nz/te-taonga-o-te-aroha