Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōna te ngahere, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao.
E mihi nui ana ki a Te Amohaere Ngata-Aerengamate nō Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Porou, Rarotonga (Aitutaki/Mangaia). Te Kaiwhiwhi i te Karahipi o Maanu Paul
Te Amohaere is a PhD Student at Victoria University of Wellington, who holds a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the University of Auckland and a Master’s in Molecular Microbiology from Victoria University of Wellington, where she graduated with A+ distinction and qualified for the Wellington Doctoral Scholarship.
She is now in the final year of her PhD in Māori Philosophy, where she combines her diverse skill set to research kina (sea urchin) sovereignty for whānau, hapū, and iwi on the East Coast.
Beyond her passion for science (putaiao) and the environment (Taiao), Te Amohaere enjoys kapa haka, ura, art, music and is actively involved in sports, including rugby union and league.