ACC Māori Cultural Capability Review

ACC Māori Cultural Capabilities Review


Research canvassed best practice and cultural capability across a number of health and social agencies across the public sector.


COVID-19 Māori in Mataatua Rohe Wellbeing Survey: Advance Report

This survey identified the needs of Maori communities within the Mataatua rohe, to tailor our services accordingly.


Census 2018 Campaign

Census 2018 Campaign

Statistics New Zealand

Completed campaign at Mataatua Kapahaka Regionals encouraging participation by Māori in Census NZ.

Dementia Awareness Campaign

Dementia Awareness Campaign

Lotteries Commission Health Research

An awareness campaign was launched on International Dementia Day 21 September 2019.


Enhancing Cultural Reproduction of Kai

Enhancing Cultural Reproduction of Kai

Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

Research investigating the production of Kai including practices relating to governance and sovereignty.


Health & Agribusiness

Health & Agribusiness

Land & Water National Science Challenge 2019

Aim of research focused on enhancing primary sector while maintaining and improving the health of the land and water quality for future generations.


Health & Marine Economy

Health & Marine Economy

Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge 2019

Through resource management, research aimed to realise value, increase use and maintain the ecosystem health of Tangaroa.


Health and Governance

Health & Governance

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Research looks into new and health governance structures that can intervene in persisting inequalities.


Mataatua Definitions of Well-Being

Mataatua Definitions of Well-Being

Bay Trust & TPOOM

Research is surveying Māori whānau across Mataatua to understand local definitions of well-being.

Mumps, Measles and Rubella Survey

Mumps, Measles and Rubella Survey

In partnership with Bay of Plenty District Health Board Sept 2021

Investigation underway to determine the numbers of rangatahi Māori that are fully vaccinated against MMR and understand attitudes towards vaccination amongst rangatahi Māori.


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