Our kaumātua programme offers a range of mentally, physically and socially stimulating activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
We ensure kaumātua are accessing all the healthcare resources they require included homebased support services.
Our Programme
This programme aims to contribute to the reduction in health inequalities by engaging with kaumātua to participate and introduce healthier lifestyles and changed habits, enhancing positive social and functional activities of koroua and kuia.
This programme provides a range of mentally and socially stimulating activities which is expected to provide health, recreational and therapeutic benefits which focuses on holistic wellness.
We support our kaumātua with special health and wellbeing needs including:
- Day Programmes
- Rongoā, Mirimiri & Healing
- Nutritional Advice
- Asthma, Diabetes Advice
- Breast & Cervical Screening Advice
- Heart and Cardiac Health
- Physical Activity—Walking, Biking, Waka Ama, Tai Chi, Swimming, Kapa Haka
Additional Resources
We work with other services across our organisation to ensure kaumātua have all the adequate resources including Whānau Ora, Rehua Medical GP Practice and Homebase Support Services.
Our Waka Manaaki is available to support our kaumātua and vulnerable whānau to attend medical appointments in Whakatāne. See here for more information.