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Safeguard you and your whānau

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Introducing our new tagline
Toi Ora Motuhake

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Te Puna Ora o Mataatua condemns Treaty Principles Bill

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Rehua Nuku Ora
Upcoming clinics in February

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Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Health Services in Whakatane.

Ā Mātou Ratonga Hauora
Our Health Services

We are dedicated to providing a range of health services in Mataatua, with a whānau ora approach to hauora.

Whakatāne Health, Medical and Social Services

Mō Mātou
About Us

Health, Medical, Social & Employment Provider based in Whakatāne.

Ō Mātou Tāngata
Our Team

112 staff based in Whakatāne, across 5 sites, with over 400 support workers across Te Moana o Toi.

Ngā Kōrero o te wā:

Kaiarataki Pūmanawa Tangata

HR Team Lead / Advisor

Manahautū Pūtea

Chief Financial Officer

Support Workers

Do you aspire to care for our whanau in our community in their own homes?
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