The latest news and updates from Te Puna Ora o Mataatua.
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Fee Increase for Non-Community Service Card Holders 18+ at Rehua Medical
Weaving Connections: Community Finds Healing and Creativity at ‘Te Taonga o Te Aroha’
Hapori Gathers for Heartwarming ‘Te Taonga o Te Aroha’ Celebration in Whakatāne
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Condemns Treaty Principles Bill
Latest Kawepūrongo

Ko te rā tuatahi o Ngāti Awa Te Toki
Ko Ngāti Awa te Toki tē tangatanga i te rā, tē ngohengohe i te wai

Ōpōtiki hosts first I Roto i te Pōuri Te Maramataka e Whiti ana Wānanga

Te rā tuarua: Ngā Raukōrero o Te Parekawakawa
Te rā tuarua mō Ngā Raukōrero o Te Parekawakawa. A wānanga for whānau to learn about natural and traditional care for tūpāpaku.

Te rā tuatahi: Ngā Raukōrero o Te Parekawakawa
Te rā tuatahi mō Ngā Raukōrero o Te Parekawakawa. A wānanga for whānau to learn about natural and traditional care for tūpāpaku.

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua celebrates Matariki with Mataatua whānau
Matariki hunga nui. Nau mai e te tau hou Māori.