Six young adults standing outside small airport

Apereira Recap

This is what Te Puna Ora o Mataatua got up to in April

Te Rā Whakamahara ki ngā Hōia

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua proudly established hononga (partnerships) with Te Teko RSA then with Whakatāne RSA with a collective focus around all Ika a Whiro (Veterans) across Te Moana-a-Toi through our Mataawaka Strategy.

Additionally, Te Puna Ora o Mataatua proudly sponsored and participated in the Dawn Service ceremonies held at Te Whare o Toroa Marae, Kutarere Marae, and Pupuaruhe Marae.

Te Waka Tūhono Ki Tua Wānanga

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua jointly hosted it’s second nēhi Māori wānanga in Mataatua together with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and Te Kaunihera o Ngā Nēhi Māori.

This wānanga spread across two days, was a chance for for support workers, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Tauira and those interested in the field to enjoy kaikōrero, whakawhanaungatanga with industry peers and foster kōrero about aspirations, hopes and dreams for the present and future of ngā mahi neehi Māori.

Kōrero tuku iho, or succession planning, was the theme of this year’s wānanga, and feedback shared was largely positive, with some of the kōrero being that the kaupapa helped to alleviate taumahatanga, whakatau tō rātou wairua, as well as gain pūkenga and mātauranga.

Pāwhiria te pae hono nei, kia whai ai ētahi atu kōrero

Rehua Nuku Ora in Tāneatua

Rehua Nuku Ora launched the first permanent weekly mobile GP clinic in Tāneatua, offering free walk-in services every Wednesday at the Tāneatua Rugby Club car park. This initiative responds to community requests for healthcare access, marking a significant milestone for Te Puna Ora o Mataatua. The clinic aims to address community needs and expand services accordingly.

Pāwhiria te pae hono nei, kia whai ai ētahi atu kōrero


Orthopaedic Clinic

Rehua Medical introduces a new service with orthopaedic specialist Mr. Nigel Giles offering fortnightly consultations for pre- and post-operative orthopaedic needs. This service aims to help patients regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve their overall quality of life by addressing issues with bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves.

Pāwhiria te pae hono nei, kia whai ai ētahi atu kōrero



Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki

12 Week Challenge

Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki is now in week 9 of their 12-week challenge, showing remarkable progress.
They’ve engaged in:

  • A nutrition workshop with Julia Coates.
    • Weekly fitness sessions led by local instructor Paora Ngaheu.
    • Three weigh-ins to track their progress.
    • Various mini Facebook challenges, including a Rangatahi wero.

Te Roopu kaumātua o Te Teko 

We had a blast at WhakaMax Movie Theater with the Te Teko Kaumatua crew! We caught “The Convert” by Lee Tamahori, diving into historical events and cultural themes – it was gripping! I won’t spill the beans, but it was a top-notch time with this bunch!

Civil Defence Wananga

Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki hosted a Civil Defence Wananga at Te Teko Rugby Club that served as a prime opportunity for whānau to develop their emergency plan for their households and refine such plans. Ensuring a swift and secure response when emergencies occur.


Tū Maia Rangatahi

Our first Tū Maia Rangatahi cohort for 2024 recently celebrated their graduation, marking a significant milestone in their journey of personal and collective growth. From the outset, the roopu embarked on a journey, navigating challenges and embracing opportunities for growth. Each member demonstrated resilience and determination, overcoming obstacles with grace and determination. Beyond individual growth, the rangatahi fostered deep connections and meaningful friendships.

  • Cohort 1 Te Okainukurangi Butchery Program
  • Aviation Program – Based in Tauranga Airport

We are thrilled to share the incredible journey of YEP Rangatahi Brodie Karaitiana, a shining example of dedication and achievement. Brodie’s story is one of perseverance, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Her journey has now led her to a significant milestone: graduating with a Degree in Law from Waikato University and joining our mobile health team as the Rehua Nuku Ora admin.

As we celebrate Brodie’s achievements, we also celebrate the potential within each of us to make a difference. Brodie, your journey inspires us all, and we are incredibly proud to have you as part of our team


Open Water Dive Certification


Six Tāne just got their SSI Open Water Dive Certification with Aotearoa Dive, Rotorua!

They spent three days diving and honing their skills. Now they’re all set to explore the underwater world, they even celebrated with burgers and cream paua afterward!


Te Wānanga o Te Whare Wātea a Irakewa


We held our second Wānanga o Te Whare Wātea a Irakewa this time held at Memorial Park Pavilion in Ōpōtiki.

The day was truly special, filled with activities aimed at healing and connection. We had RONGOA, POI ATUA, KAWAKAWA PANIPANI, and even SOUND THERAPY by Ko Kollective. They also promoted AUAHI KORE and there was a lovely hākari.

It emphasized how our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being are all interconnected, deeply rooted in our Māori culture. It was a space where we could come together, share knowledge, and strengthen our community bonds.

It was such a beautiful day, filled with learning, connection, and manaakitanga.


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This is what Te Puna Ora o Mataatua got up to in April

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