Ngā Ringa Kōkōmuka brings more than 40 years’ of experience in rongoā, wairuatanga and mirimiri, and is committed to improving the hauora of our Mataatua hapori. 

This clinic is open to all registered patients at Rehua Medical and will run on a koha basis on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Ko wai mātou?

We understand the importance of providing an integrated service that allows whānau access to both clinical care and hauora Māori care that is based on kaupapa such as wairuatanga, kaitiakitanga and whanaungatanga.

 This allows whānau to implement rongoā Māori healing practices and explore options that align with te ao Māori values and principles relating to taiao, tuakiri and mahinga tāngata. 

Rongoā Māori is a traditional holistic system of healing that encompasses a wide range of modalities that have been utilised by Māori over centuries. These forms of healing include ritenga, karakia, rongoā rākau, mirimiri,and wai/hauwai. The key element that is consistent is wairua.

We offer:                                                    Mirimiri (massage).

Romiromi.                                                     Deep tissue massage, pressure points, and body alignment to replace tension and pain with positive energy.  We also provide Takahi, similar to Romiromi but with the practitioner walking on the tinana.We provide a safe environment for all ages in Wairua Healing, Mirimiri and Rongoā.

Our main goal is reducing stress, increasing relaxation, enhancing blood circulation and flow of oxygen to the tissues and organs to release toxins, and loosening and elongating tight muscles.

Ā wairua our goal is re-store emotions, memories, and thoughts inside of our tinana, and mirimiri ā wairua is a combination of techniques to enrich the mind, body, and soul. This exercise is connected to whakawātea, karakia, maunga, awa, marae, and urupā exercises to release and cleanse the mind, body and soul.

Ngā Ringa Kōkōmuka provides a safe environment for all ages helping to:

  • reduce stress
  • increase relaxation
  • enhance blood circulation and oxygen flow to release toxins
    repair muscles
  • restore emotions, memories, and whakaaro
  • enrich the hinengaro, tinana, and wairua
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