We work with Māmā of all ages to tautoko you, your whānau and your pēpi up to 2 years of age
We provide Māmā with mātauranga (education), tautoko (support), advocacy, advice, resources and connections.
Together we design plans with the Māmā to ensure they get the best start to the life of a young whānau and beyond.

We sit and kōrero about what is important with Māmā, and help to identify whāinga (goals) that will hāpai (support) their inamata (present), and their anamata (future). Māmā and whānau goals are then supported with a wider network of services.
Together with our whānau we co-design and implement wānanga ā whānau based on the rich tikanga and mātauranga Māori of the rohe and provide wrap-around support for whānau in mana enhancing, empowering ways.
Wānanga will be a 12-week programme for mātua to connect, collaborate and create a world they can be proud of.
Programme | Hotaka
Our programme includes traditional mātauranga (knowledge) to help prepare Māmā and Pēpi for birth and breastfeeding.
Mothercraft navigation including budgets, healthy eating, dealing with minor health issues, questions about immunisations, auahi kore referrals, career pathways, and all those Q&A in between.
We work with other organisations and services across the rohe to ensure our Māmā have the ability to connect and access support where needed.
Virtual Lactation Consultations | Mātanga Whāngote
Breastfeeding your pēpī can be difficult. As part of our Māmā, pēpi service we have teamed up with Plunket to provide virtual lactation consultations for you and your pēpi from the comfort of your kāinga or wherever you feel comfortable.
This is a free service with professionally trained specialists who aim to provide you and your pēpi the skill to learn how to breastfeed together. Our Māmā, pēpi kaimahi will walk along side you and your whānau to get all the support you need as you and pēpi learn to breastfeed.

Te Whare Tapa Whā
Te Taha Whānau
Our Wānanga will nurture greater independence and confidence through whanaungatanga, whakapapa, pepeha and positive relationships with partners, mokopuna and pēpi.
Te Taha Tinana
Our Wānanga will connect tāne and wahine to te whare korikori tinana along with exploring the importance of healthy kai, wai Māori and the foundations of kai sovereignty through maara kai, budgeting and birth plans.
Te Taha Hinengaro
Our Wānanga will seek to set foundations in routine, boundaries, and methods to whakatau wairua when faced with challenges.
Te Taha Wairua
Our Wānanga will cultivate purākau, waiata, karakia and tīpuna kōrero, emphasising our long history as loving caring partners and mātua.
He Puna Rauemi
We work with other services across our organisation to ensure māmā has all the adequate resources including Whānau Ora, Oranga Tamariki, Rehua Medical GP Practice, and Ngā Mata Waiora Counselling Services.
Ngā Whakamārama:
Māmā and Pēpi support services can be accessed by self-referral, midwives, GPs, and other maternity health providers.