Digital Academy is coming soon!
To enquire further please call
0800 MATAATUA (628 228) or email
Our new Digital Hub will be used to upskill, prepare and support rangatahi with further access to work experience opportunities and training, helping them to gain full-time employment.
The new Hub will run in conjunction with our current Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub and Youth Employment Programmes, offering the same integrated wrap-around support for rangatahi and providing them with access to all social, health, education and employment services specifically helping young people to grow healthily.
Digital Programme
The Digital Clubhouse Programme will offer several pathways for rangatahi across the creative industries sector including music, audio mixing, photography, videography, and podcasting.
These programme are underpinned by a kaupapa Māori philosophy and Mauri Ora conceptual framework.
There will also be structured opportunities for the Digital Clubhouse to be available to rangatahi who are completing the Youth Employment Programme.