Ko mātou o Te Rangitaiki e mōhio ana he aha te rongoā mō Te Rangitaiki.

This all-new facility was formed by Rangitaiki hapū leaders, with clinical support from Te Puna Ora o Mataatua. 

It delivers the same quality services provided across the board by Te Puna Ora o Mataatua, including access to training, opportunities and development in the space of education, employment, culture and hauora.

We welcome all whānau from Te Teko, Rangitaiki and surrounds.

Services offered at Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki include:

  • Housing and home ownership workshops
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Health education
  • Rangatahi training and education
  • Kuia and Kaumātua tautoko
  • Justice of the Peace 
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Marae resilience building
  • Community hauora events planning
  • Whānau Ora
  • Nutrition
  • Kaitohutohu Waka
  • Mātanga Rongoā

What’s On

Tangihanga i te ao hurihuri.
9.30am-4pm, August 3 & 4 | Kokohinau Marae, Te Teko
Register to kim.rameka@tpoom.co.nz

A two-day wānanga providing and educating whānau with knowledge, tools, informed choices and options around tūpāpaku care and tangihanga.

HE RĀ KŌRERO – a day of informative kōrero from various facilitators around tangihanga, tikanga, tūpāpaku care, legislation, and more.

RĀ WHAKAAKO – a day of practical hands-on learning facilitated by Kutiwera Te Maipi and Toby Salmon.
(Whāriki, waka tūpāpaku, puhirere, taupoki, takapou wharanui.)

Registrations are a must.
Please register to kim.rameka@tpoom.co.nz
Open to whānau of Ngāti Awa ki Rangitāiki. 

The following services are available to whānau regularly. 

  • Kaitohutohu Waka 
  • Nurse Practitioner Clinic (walk-in)
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Mātonga Rongoā
Please email rangitaiki@tpoom.co.nz to make an appointment. 
Shane Henry, our driving instructor, is based at Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki every Wednesday from 8.30am to 12pm. Appointments are required.  
Nurse Practitioner Clinic 8.30am-3pm. Appointments are not required. 

First Monday of the Month

Hemana Eruera, Justice of the Peace, is available from 9am-10am. Appointments are required.

First Friday of the Month

Moko Savage, our traditional Māori healer, will be on-site every first Friday of the month. Appointments are required. 

Justice of the Peace Service available in Te Teko:

Our very own JP – Koro Hemana will be onsite every first Monday of the month 9am-10am starting April 6th 2024
Booking is required to ensure Koro Hemana will be onsite.

♦ witnessing of documents
♦ taking of declarations
♦ swearing of affidavits or affirming affirmations and more

We also have available resources to ensure your copied documents such as birth certs and licenses can last longer and have appropriate keeping.

Money Mates Wānanga

November 10 – December 15
Weekly on Friday, 10am-1pm
14a Te Teko Road, Te Teko

Learn good financial management and budgeting skills in a peer-led environment during this five-week wānanga.

Te Teko Christmas in the Park

December 9
Te Teko Rugby Club

Join us for the launch of Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki at our Te Teko Christmas in the Park.
Featuring entertainment by:
Shelley Akuhata | Lads of the Mist | Te Kura o Te Teko
MC: Reweti Elliot

Join us for whakawhāungatanga with our new Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki kaimahi, as well as whakangāhau for your whānau – with FREE entertainment and prizes up for grabs.
Proudly sponsored by Omataroa Trust No. 2, Omataroa Trust No. 10, Putauaki Trust.

Whenua & Whare Wānanga

December 12
14a Te Teko Road. Te Teko 

Māku anō e hanga tōku nei whare.
Whenua & Whare – Home Ownership Wānanga
Learn about papakāinga and Māori Land, as well as other home ownership support including information on insurance and mortgages.
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