Te Waka Tuhono ki Tua participants pose in front of a building with a table and chairs

Te rā tuarua: Te Waka Tūhono ki Tua

Te rā tuarua mō Te Waka Tūhono ki Tua – He wānanga mo ngā neehi Māori o Mataatua.
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Te rā tuarua mō Te Waka Tūhono ki Tua – He wānanga mo ngā neehi Māori o Mataatua. 

Here’s a recap of what we covered at Kokohinau Marae i te rā tuarua:

  • Whānau took part in Clinical sessions at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi with Ngaira Harker, Jennifer Woods, Wharewaina Strickland and Carol Dewes.
    Some of the take in these sessions included kōrero on leadership, clinical rangahau, and kupu āwhina on mahi pathways available for nēhi Māori wanting to make the transition from support work to nursing, as well as nurses aiming to become a nurse practitioner.
  • Mirimiri and mahi wairua sessions held by Ngā Ringa Kōkōmuka & Ngā Whare Oranga o Te Kura Atuatiratanga Rongoā Clinic gave whānau a chance to whakatau tō rātou tinana me tō rātou wairua.
  • A poroaki session gave whānau the chance to whakakapi, toha and foster further whakawhanaungatanga, as they shared key takeaways from the kaupapa. Kōrero shared was largely positive, with some of the remarks being that the kaupapa helped to alleviate taumahatanga, whakatau tō rātou wairua, as well as gain pūkenga and mātauranga.
  • The collaborative waiata, jointly composed by whānau who attended the wānanga, was given a tune, finalised and presented at the whakamutunga of the wānanaga.

Nei rā te reo o mihi te maioha atu nei ki te marae o Kokohinau, kia koutou katoa i tae mai.

Special mention to Dr Haturini McGarvey, Hinerangi Eruera Murphy, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and Te Kaunihera o Ngā Nēhi Māori, for co-hosting this event alongside Pareake O’Brien.

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