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Ko te rā tuatahi mō Te Waka Tūhono ki Tua – He wānanga mo ngā neehi Māori o Mataatua.
Here’s a recap of what we covered at Kokohinau Marae i te rā nei:
- We opened the kaupapa with a karakia for Te Whatu Tūhono, a toka mauri gifted to Te Waka Tūhono ki Tua, as an ode to the manaakitanga shown by our nēhi Māori towards a local whānau navigating palliative care
- Whānau were able to hear kōrero from practitioners working in the Mataatua health sector, including nēhi Māori, tākuta, kairongoā practitioners, and kaiako, around ways they are applying kaupapa Māori frameworks and tikanga into their everyday mahi.
- A question-and-answer session with our expert panel provided nēhi Māori with the opportunity to offload their taumahatanga amongst industry peers, work through their māharahara and share mātauranga and pūkenga.
- Kōrero tuku iho were shared throughout the day, and channelled into waiata which will see our roopu jointly composing a waiata at the whakamūtunga of this two-day kaupapa.
Te rā tuarua takes place āpōpō at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, with a continued focus on kōrero tuku iho – the theme of this year’s kaupapa.
Nei rā te reo o mihi te maioha atu nei ki te marae o Kokohinau, kia koutou katoa i tae mai; everyone who presented.
Special mention to Dr Haturini McGarvey, Awanuiārangi and Te Kaunihera o Ngā Nēhi Māori, for co-hosting this event alongside Pareake O’Brien.