What’s on at Tū Māia Rangatahi

Kei ngā Rangatahi o te āpōpō, Tauti mai, whakarongo mai.

He kaupapa kei te haere!

He wero kei te haere!

Tomokina mai ki te whare o Tū Maia Rangatahi.

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at an airport? 🤔

Find out at our Aviation Ground Handling Short Course.

This FREE 10 day wānanga can help you learn how to handle aircraft ‘turn around’, from passenger disembarkation to baggage handling, dangerous goods awareness, radio comms, apron driving, and aircraft marshalling. ✈️

Up to 10 spaces open to rangatahi aged 16-24. Kai and transport provided.

Rēhita mai.

Photo Credit: JNP Aviation Training


Kei te tūwhera ngā kuaha a Tū Māia Rangatahi ki te whare o Tong (House).

Join our Youth Employment Programme whānau!

This 10-week kaupapa for rangatahi aged 16-24, starts Monday 29 April from our whare hou at Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub,163 Commerce Street (across the road from McDonald’s).

If you are looking for mātauranga, new skills, and new experiences then rēhita mai.

Rēhita mai by scanning the QR code or visiting our enrolment page here.

Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Hei tapiri atu ki ō pūkenga, ānei he akoranga matihiko!

Are you a keen gamer, social media user or even interested in building your own software and world online?

Nau mai haere mai. Come and learn more about digital technology at our 3-week Level 2 Computing wānanga.

This kaupapa will be held 2 days per week at at Toi Ohomai (Online & Workshops), starting 1 May 2024.

Free for Rangatahi aged 16-24 looking for mahi or education.

Rēhita mai.

Whakawhanake ō pūkenga taraiwa. Want to know how you can learn how to drive for FREE?

Haere mai ki Tū Maia Rangatahi Rangatahi Hub – Kura Taraiwaka Driving Academy.

If you’re a rangatahi, you’re not currently employed or enrolled to study, we can help you with FREE learner license theory lessons as well as practical driving lessons!

PLUS, if you pass your Learner License/Restricted or Full Class 1 License you’ll receive BONUS gifts for you and your whānau.

Rēhita mai.

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