Rehua Medical – Recruiting for GPs now

We are looking for a GP to work 6 to 8 sessions a week in Rehua Medical, our new, purpose-built medical centre as well as in Rehua Nuku Ora, our new mobile health unit.

We are looking for a GP to work 6 to 8 sessions a week in Rehua Medical, our new, purpose-built medical centre as well as in Rehua Nuku Ora, our new mobile health unit.

You will be joining a medical team of two GPs and a nurse practitioner; all with a considerable skill, knowledge, experience, and mana amongst their peers and patients.

In addition to our medical clinic, we offer a comprehensive wrap-around approach to our whānau with our COVID-19 vaccination and swabbing / Flu / MMR unit, a team of counsellors, Whānau Ora practitioners, homebased support services, and a training and employment academy.

Our mobile health unit will take medical services into our rural areas, so if you have an interest in rural health this would be an ideal role for you.

This is your opportunity to add real value in an innovative and agile organisation where each and every one of our kaimahi are fully committed to reducing the health inequities amongst our vulnerable whānau.

Read the job description here. To apply, please complete our online Application for Employment Form

For a confidential discussion, contact Tanira Raureti, HR Manager a call on 021 0330 020 or email

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