Rangatahi MMR Survey

Thousands of rangatahi speak up through MMR Survey

1078 Rangatahi took part in our youth survey this year

Kia ora whānau,

We hope you’ve all been staying well in your bubbles through Alert Levels 4, 3 and now 2!

Our kaimahi have been hard at work as they continue to tautoko the region’s response to COVID-19 & Delta Variant.

Amongst all this mahi, we’ve still managed to find some time to celebrate our rangatahi as future leaders of tomorrow!

Earlier this year we asked Mataatua rangatahi aged 16-24 to share their thoughts in our five-minute youth survey. The survey covered a range of topics, which will be used to inform our research team over the coming months, surrounding what our rangatahi think!

A whopping 1078 rangatahi made their voices heard through this survey, and to say thanks, we had a range of prizes, big and small, as giveaways.

Throughout lockdown we chose three major prize winners:

AYZIA KING STOWELL, was our lucky winner of a brand new Xbox, PUTIPUTI KORENA TIMOTI, won herself a PS4 and KAIORA SMITH took home a sparkly new iPhone 12 pro!

Other lucky winners were;

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Caps:
India Glen, Kahikatea Apiata, Stevie Shaw, Katie Peterson, Raynor Stretch, Erina Brown, Jamie Parker, Putere Hare, Dylan Taare, Te Aniwa Cook, Pohutu Papuni, Angel Wiki Edwards, Brieana Hayman, Anapaarii Campbell, Kohitu Mokomoko, Quinta Te Irihere Selway-Kingi, Thomas Tutakangahau, Langley Len Royce Parekura, Elikana Kingi, Shameela Elia, Kaela Schwass, Te Rame Rerino Ioane Pryor, Aronia Whatuira

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Hoodie:
Davante Tipene, Tarere Thrupp-Pivac, Mythyas Marsden, Marc Stephen Olivas, Tepora Hona, Mikaira Ngatai,
Eua Lorna Badger, Maia-Rose Bennett, Liam Camron Hamana Mccall, Tiffany Merania, Matengatahi Boggs, Tuwhenua Kurei, Kaprise Tupe, Makereti Milosevic, Kohitu Mokomoko, Chelsea Aim-Linstead, Te Mauri Cashmore Chase, Pharyn Herewini, Jaymee Karekare, Manaia Hall,  Malakai Pickford, Coree Lewi, Tereuapii Nicholas, Wairere Paul, Atawhai Mokomoko

Joel Matthew Carter, Devyne Tuakana Junior Aramakutu, Oscar Murray, Amilia Stevens, Ariana Kingi

$50 voucher:
Rihara Wiremu, Tamar Anderson, Terrence Ranapia, Talei Bryant, Ben Akroyd, Jacinda wickham, Quinta Te Irihere Selway-Kingi, Karis Rintoul, Autumn Punga, Starlight Rehu, Celine Rahera Tapar, Awhina Ngaheu, Jaden Graham, Watene Timoti, Mataatua Fox-Kaipara, Kawha Harris

Bone and pounamu taonga:
Skye Edwards, Te Ao Marama Koopu, Robert Claybourn Mato

Congratulations to all of our winners – and to all of the 1078 rangatahi who made your voices heard through this survey THANK YOU!

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