Check out what it’s like to visit the Drive-Thru Assessment Centre.
We went for a trial run to show you how easy, safe, fast and friendly the team is to visit. If you are worried that you’re showing signs of COVID-19, don’t hesitate to drop in.
The assessment centre is a collaborative effort between ourselves, the Eastern Bay PHA & BOP DHB. We are proud to have a local solution for our community’s COVID-19 testing and assessment needs.
First you are welcomed by our Whanau Ora team, the next step is to be triaged, where you either get the all clear to head home or on to one of the GPs who can assess you further at the assesment tent. The whole process took us about 15 minutes.
Kia kaha Mataatua, we’ll get through this together (while sticking to our bubbles)!
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua
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