Tamarangi Harawira

Profile – Tamarangi Harawira

Ko Mataatua me Tainui ngā waka

Ko Putauaki, Mauao, me Rangiāhua ngā maunga

Ko Whakatāne me Wainui ngā awa

Ko Tauranga te moana

Ko Ngāti Awa, Ngai Te Rangi me Ngai Tai ngā Iwi

Ko Ngai Taiwhakaaea me Ngā Pōtiki ngā hapū

Ko Tamarangi Harawira ahau

Tamarangi Harawira works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and has spent the past decade serving Aotearoa New Zealand abroad and in Wellington. During his time at MFAT, Tamarangi has served overseas as a diplomat in Vanuatu, and has undertaken short-term assignments in the United Arab Emirates, Guangzhou, and Cambodia. He recently returned at the end of 2023 from working at the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing in China.

Tamarangi has managed and led teams in areas of Finance, Property, Consular, HR and has been part of the leadership team at post. His extensive experience in the international scene has enabled Tamarangi to obtain transferable skills, which will bring value to his governance role at Te Puna Ora o Mataatua.

In his current role, Tamarangi supports the development of Te Tiriti consistent policy advice across the Ministry, articulating indigenous perspectives, from a New Zealand point of view, for international documents and audiences.

Tamarangi is part of the Kohanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa generation and is strong in his  whakapapa, culture, te reo and identity. He is an advocate for language revitalisation and is committed to supporting improved outcomes for Maori.

His leadership style can be described as transformational and prioritises serving the greater good. His values and actions are steeped in Te Ao Maori, and he is kaupapa Maori focused.

Tamarangi holds a MMgt (Master of Management) from Massey University as well as a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Politics and Maori studies) from the University of Otago.

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