Understanding COVID-19: Te Reo and English Resources with Siouxsie Wiles

Dr Siouxsie Wiles has done an incredible job providing accessible COVID-19 information to the New Zealand Community, working with Toby Morris to create easy-to-digest graphics that help explain how the virus works, how it spreads, and how to keep safe.

We reached out to Siouxsie with some common questions being asked in our community. We’re very excited that she’s helped us with some community transmission information and we are translating some of her graphics into Te Reo.

Community Transmission:

More information about community transmission is on her blog here.


Wearing facemasks (correctly) is an act of kindness that protects the spread of Coronavirus – because people don’t know when they’re contagious and will spread it to others.

There’s been a lot of research on masks in the past few months and now we have a lot more evidence showing how masks can be effective. Read the full article about facemasks here.

How Vaccines Work:

Read the full article about vaccines here.

More information

Siouxsie has a COVID-19 “box set” of all COVID-19 graphics created so far which you can see on the Spinoff Page.

Another set of Te Reo gifs with more information about COVID-19 here.

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