Tama tū tama ora, tama noho tama mate
Tāne Ora, ‘Chur Bro’ is for Bros who want or need some Chur in their life.
There are some tāne out there who are young fathers, or in their late 40s or even in their 50s and there may be some pāpā out there who are stepdads, have pāpā duties, or tāne who are keen to connect with other bros in a healthy space.
We are proud to offer our Tāne support over a 12-week wero which will help enhance who you are, the journeys you are on and where you are going. Our Tāne, Pāpā, Dads, Tāne-tanga play an important role in all our lives and we want to nurture the gifts and mātauranga shared through our wānanga.
Iti noaiho ngā wāhi kei te toe nōreira, rēhita mai.
Limited space available – register now!