First TPOOM Vaccination Q&A session Announced

We are running our first session to help you understand the Pfizer/Comirnaty vaccine.

Our team is running our first session to help you understand the Pfizer/Comirnaty vaccine. This first in a series of Q&As will be focussed for level 2b workers (everybody is welcome).

We will be running these workshops with a doctor, nurse and community specialists in our panel.

If you want one in your rohe, email

You’re welcome to come with your questions. Remember this is a whānau event, so keep it respectful. We are here to help!

We will be filming the Q&A for those who aren’t able to attend.

Date: Thursday 29th April
Time: 5.30pm
Location: TPOOM Offices at 90 king Street (entry via King street or the back carpark (via James or Stewart Street)

Nau mai, haere mai!

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