Hānuere Recap

This is what Te Puna Ora o Mataatua got up to in January

Vision Bus Aotearoa makes visible difference


Vision Bus Aotearoa provided 89 pairs of glasses to kaumātua from Te Teko, Matata and Tūwharetoa. This kaupapa was the result of a research project that highlighted challenges kaumātua face when communicating with their doctor due to lack of aids, like glasses. In October last year, in collaboration with Auckland University, Vision Bus Aotearoa conducted thorough eye checks with the kaumātua before the fitting and gifting of glasses in January.



Healthy and delicious kai workshops


Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki hosted its first of four healthy cooking workshops for māmā and rangatahi in Te Teko. Lead by chef Steven Cameron, the culinary students explored the art of creating healthy and delicious kai to promote wellbeing. They learned about essential prepping skills and culinary techniques while making fried rice and stir fry.


Sonia to paddle at Hawai’i Worlds


Sonia Stewart, our Kaiārahi Kaumātua, Oranga Whānau competed at the Waka Ama NZ 2024 Sprint Nationals at Lake Karapiro. Sonia won two silver medals and one bronze medal and is heading to Hawai’i later this year to compete in the World Sprint Championships with her crew. Her club, Horouta Waka Hoe, won the Club Points Trophy which recognises paddling excellence and achievement throughout the week through accumulated points.


Another group of qualified divers


A new diving cohort are now qualified open water divers after a training programme taught them safety in diving. In collaboration with Water Safety New Zealand and Aotearoa Dive, the training programme, based in Rotorua, emphasises both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Following online training, the participants tested scuba diving basics in the pool, including buoyancy and emergency procedures. They were then tested at Lake Rotoma where they focused on diving techniques and compass skills before graduating as qualified divers.


New whare for Tū Māia Rangatahi


Our Tu Māia Rangatahi and Taiohi Rangatahi teams moved into their new space at Commerce Street. The whare hou is soon-to-be kitted to provide rangatahi with new learning and training opportunities, as well as supports the service has always provided. Along with the youth employment programme and driving academy service, a Digital Academy will be launched this year.




First kura reo for Te Puna Ora o Mataatua


Our kaimahi participated in the organisation’s first Kura Reo at Waikirikiri Marae, Ruatoki. We also travelled along the awa by boat and hoiho to Te Putere Marae for an overnight experience that included kōrero hītori, eeling, horse riding, a rongoā workshop and hikoi. The weeklong wānanga was a special opportunity for kaimahi at Te Puna Ora o Mataatua to build on matauranga, self-awareness, fluency and whanaungatanga.

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