Indigenous Health Scholar: Asmanahi Antoine

Visit to Te Puna Ora o Mataatua by Indigenous Health Scholar Asmanahi Antoine

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Charitable Trust hosted Asma-na-hi
Antoine from Royal Roads University, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British
Columbia, Canada on 22 February 2018.  Asma-na-hi is manager of student support
services at the University and
undertaking research for her masters in Indigenous health, socio-cultural and
education services.  Her interests here
are to look at some of the services we provide at Te Puna Ora O Mataatua
especially those with a focus on young people.

Asma-na-hi with Fiona Wiremu, Professor Graham Smith and Dillon Te Kani

Professor Graham Smith and Fiona Wiremu accompanied Asma-na-hi to our Head
Office on McGarvey Road and provided cultural support for her during the mihi
whakatau.  Staff from both Pyne Street
office and Mc Garvey Road were available to welcome her.  Asma-na-hi spent time with a number of staff
during the day.  Before starting the day
though Asma-na-hi shared a short video about the Moose Hide Campaign for
stopping violence against women and children.
It is a Canada wide campaign that her and her own family (husband and
children) began and continue to lead.

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