Indigenous Scholar: Dr Ross Hoffman

Te Puna Ora O Mataatua hosts Dr Ross Hoffman from University of Northern British Columbia.

Te Puna Ora o
Mataatua Charitable Trust hosted Associate Professor Dr Ross Hoffman and his
wife Nan, from the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George,
Canada on 12 March 2018.  Ross
co-ordinates the Cross Cultural Indigenous Knowledge Exchange (CCIKE) programme
at the University of British Columbia. This programme is where indigenous
students or students studying indigenous studies have come to Whakatane for
experience in working with Māori community organisations.  Te Puna Ora o Mataatua has hosted Mia Pupic
(Medical student); Shannon Williams (Community governance and local government
politics), and Barbara Armstrong (Nurse and Masters student) over the past
three years.

Ross completed his Ph.D. in Native
Studies at Trent University. He began his studies in the discipline of Native
Studies at Trent University, completing his B.A. in the mid 1970’s. He earned
his M.Ed. in Curriculum Studies at the University of Victoria.  His broad research interests include studying
the relationship between cultural renewal, identity, and health and wellness. This
interdisciplinary research has included extensive work in the oral tradition
with Elders and other knowledge holders. While visiting with Te Puna Ora o
Mataatua staff he had in-depth discussions around our kuia and kaumatua
programmes, mama and pepi services, the whānau ora team, and learned about some
of the research activities we are currently involved with.

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