Kopeopeo Mural Competition 2020

TPO Kopeopeo Mural Competition 2020

We are inviting concept drawings from artists to design murals for our new building in Kopeopeo.

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua has now moved into Kopeopeo. All our services are now in one location with Med Central joining us later in the year. We are inviting concept drawings from artists to design and draw murals on our new building.

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua has now moved into Kopeopeo. All our services are now in one location with Med Central joining us later in the year. We are inviting concept drawings from artists to design and draw murals on our new building.

The concept drawings have to express themes relating to either Rangatiratanga, Mataatua, Whānau and/or Hauora.

Concept drawings need to be submitted by 31 March 2020. We only require concept drawings, full proofs are not required.

There are three different walls:

  • West Face Right
  • West Face Left
  • North Face Parts A & B

Applications can focus on either one, two or all three. We encourage all aspiring applicants to complete a site visit.

Winner(s) will have their resources and time covered by Te Puna Ora o Mataatua.

West Face Right 18.9m x 2.9m
West Face Left 12.9m x 2.9m
North Face Part A 29.8m x 2.35m
North Face Part B 5.8m x 2.35m

Good luck to all our applicants—your drawings and name to be a part of Kopeopeo for decades to come!

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