Med Central establishes Medical GP Clinics at Kōhanga

Medical GP Clinics coming to Kōhanga in Whakatane

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua and Med Central form partnership with Te Purapura o te Manukatutahi
Te Purapura o te Manukatutahi

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua and Med Central is pleased to announce a partnership with Te Purapura o te Manukatutahi.

From 12 March 2018, Med Central will be establishing Medical GP Clinics out of each of the six Kōhanga Reo across Manukatutahi. Med Central will provide health-checks on site at each Kōhanga of all tamariki and kaimahi—and welcome whānau to join them and get a check-up at the same time.

The six Kōhanga include Te Ao Marama, Apanui ki Whakatane, Toroa, Te Paroa, Timatanga and Waiaraka.

Enrolment packs will be available at each of the Kōhanga.

Letter to Whānau o Te Purapura o Manukatutahi

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Tēna koutou e kawe ana i ngā kaupapa huhua noa o ngā Kōhanga Reo o te
rohe. Ko koutou, ko tātou ēra e tautoko ana i te oranga o ā tātou mokopuna.Tēna
koutou, tēna koutou, tēna tātou katoa.

Recently Te
Puna Ora o Mataatua formed a partnership with Te Purapura o Manukatutahi to
improve the access to health services for all Kōhanga whānau.

To begin we
will establish a Doctors clinic in each of the six Kōhanga. The doctors are a
part of our medical clinic at Med Central located in Kopeopeo.

We have clustered
the Kōhanga into three groups:


Cluster 1

Te Ao Marama

Apanui ki Whakatane

Cluster 2


Te Paroa

Cluster 3

Te Timatanga ki Whakatane



Every Monday
our Doctors will visit a cluster of Kōhanga Reo between 9.30am-11.00am. We
invite all extended whānau to attend Doctors clinics with their tamariki/moko
during these times.

We will
start with Cluster 1 on Monday 12 March, Cluster 2 on Monday 19 March and
Cluster 3 on Monday 26 March. Then continuously repeat the three-week cycle.

If your tamariki/moko requires a prescription we will aim to have the medicine back to
their Kōhanga by 2pm for collection at the end of the same day.

Enclosed in his enrolment pack are a number for forms to complete:

·       Enrolment Form

·       Medical Form

·       Consent Form


We have also provided information about additional health services we provide.

Healthcare for under 13-year-olds is free. While most prescriptions are free as well,
please note some may incur a small charge. For kaimahi and whānau wanting to
see the GP a $18 surcharge fee will apply.

This is an awesome kaupapa—and we’re pleased to be able to play our part.

nā Whānau o Te Puna Ora o Mataatua.

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