Te Puna Ora o Mataatua are the successful recipients of the Kaupapa Māori Healthy Lifestyle Service for Tamariki and Rangatahi across the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
The service will provide an intensive intervention whānau ora based programme for tamariki (2-14 years old) and rangatahi (15-18 years old) who are classified as obese. Key components of the programme include whānau ora plans for the individual and wider whānau; nutrition workshops; exercise physiology and movement workshops; resilience workshops such as counselling and mana tangata; and primary care GP services.
TPOOM were part of a joint bid with our partners Ngā Kākano Foundation and Ngāti Ranginui that will deliver the same service in Te Puke/Murupara and Tauranga respectively. All partners will come together under a new Māori joint venture entity called Te Tūāpapa Auaha to support partnership and collaboration across the Bay of Plenty into the future.
The new entity will also engage the specialist services of Toi Tangata and Sport BOP to deliver the service. TPOOM will be the Joint Venture Administrators.
The new service is expected to start on 1 July 2019. For TPOOM, the Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub will provide a key support mechanism for tamariki and rangatahi engaged in this service.