Rangatahi Hub Now Open

Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub on King Street in Kopeopeo is now open.


A new designed hub for youth/rangatahi is now open in Kopeopeo, Whakatane.

The hub is available to youth/rangatahi who want support getting into or staying in school, tertiary education/training or finding a job. We design individual plans, pulling together the required services below, in a confidential environment.

Services Offer at the Rangatahi Hub

The Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub offers services including Youth Employment Programmes (YEP), Driving Lessons (Theory & Practicals), Medical appointments, Whānau Ora designed programmes, Mana Tangata (Cultural) programmes, Nutrition Plans and Counselling Services (Mental Health, Drug and Addiction, Depression).

It will also allow youth to host their own workshops, have access to WiFi and printing resources as well as kitchen facilities.

Download brochures below for further information or follow-us on Facebook.

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Poipoia te kakano kia puawai (Nurture the seed and it will blossom).


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