Our Health and Populations Research Institute has begun its research into definitions of wellbeing across the Mataatua rohe.
Do you whakapapa to Mataatua waka? Take part in the survey now.
It will survey whānau across the Eastern Bay of Plenty/Mataatua rohe about their own understandings, definitions and aspirations of wellbeing.
The results will act as a guide for Te Puna Ora o Mataatua when contributing to policy design that has an impact on Mataatua as well as shape outcomes and targets that are negotiated with government as part of our contracts and services.
There have been a lot of discussions recently around wellbeing frameworks. But they tend to be too generalised and do not capture the needs and aspirations of local, cultural and regional populations such as ours across Mataatua. This has also been exacerbated by the limitations of Census NZ 2018 that did not capture adequate data relating to Māori whānau in particular.
We are grateful for the support of Bay Trust that have contributed to the funding of this research.
The survey was launched at Ngāti Awa Te Toki last year and has been taken by members of the public at the Mataatua Kapahaka Regional Festival and around Kopeopeo township. It will continue until May 2020.