Te Puna Ora o Mataatua celebrates Matariki with Mataatua whānau

Matariki hunga nui. Nau mai e te tau hou Māori.


Matariki hunga nui. Nau mai e te tau hou Māori.

Nei rā te mihi maioha atu kia koutou Mataatua whānui, who joined Te Puna Ora o Mataatua at Te Horo Ōhope today, for our annual Matariki Celebration.

Our whānau shared karakia and kai with us, and learned many valuable pūrākau (oral history) from our amazing kaikōrero Pouroto Ngaropo and Liliana Clarke, about the many ways Matariki has helped inform and guide our Mataatua uri through the decades.

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