Testing available following confirmed COVID-19 case in Mataatua

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua is increasing testing capabilities, following Mataatua’s first confirmed case of COVID-19.

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua is increasing testing capabilities, following Mataatua’s first confirmed case of COVID-19.

The case has been confirmed following health advice from the Ministry of Health.

Contact tracing teams continue to work with the person identified as a positive case and will release all locations of interest tomorrow [Thursday November 25].

Med Central Director Dr Jethro LeRoy has assured Mataatua whānau that testing remains available for all whānau.

“Our fixed COVID-19 Testing centre remains open at the Portacom outside Med Central and will be open seven days a week, with open hours likely to change according to community need.

“In addition testing is also available at Nukuhou North Settlers Hall from now until Sunday.

“People with suspected COVID-19 symptoms can drive directly to both centres, and should remain in their car to be tested.”

Dr LeRoy encourages all whānau who have been to any locations of interest and have respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath or a sore throat, or flu-like symptoms, to get tested.

People should ideally seek advice from Healthline 0800 358 5453 or their GP before attending the centre to check whether their symptoms meet the criteria for assessment and will need to arrive in a vehicle as no walk-ins will be accepted. People with symptoms are advised not to use public transport to travel to the centre.

If a person is unable to access a vehicle or has other questions or support needs relating to the virus, they can call Te Puna Ora’s local information line 0800 628 228 and press 9 for the dedicated COVID-19 local support line.


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