Vaccinations going mobile a win for equity

Mataatua whānau will have better access to their COVID-19 vaccinations as Te Puna Ora o Mataatua (TPOOM) launches mobile vaccinations.

The regional health, medical, social and employment provider is mobilising its COVID-19 vaccination rollout across the Mataatua rohe (region) from this Sunday, August 1.

The move has come on the back of its COVID-19 vaccination site launching in Kopeopeo on May 10, where about 4000 people have received their COVID-19 vaccinations to date.

Chief Executive Dr Chris Tooley says this figure is set to increase even further, as the service becomes accessible for even more whānau.

“The Eastern Bay ofPlenty is behind on where we want to be when it comes to vaccination rates.

“To help with that we are removing barriers for those that need extra support, through location bookings and transport assistance.”

The mobile team will soon be available for large group bookings. If you have a group of 30 to 60 people who want to be vaccinated in Mataatua, the team can come to you or provide transport to its Whakatāne site.

Med Central Practice Manager Kahlise Hata says while Māori remain the key priority for its COVID-19 vaccination rollout, she’s encouraging all whānau across Mataatua to book.

“More Māori have died from COVID-19 in New Zealand than any other ethnic group and we know from historical infectious diseases, like the flu, Māori are disproportionately affected.

“To protect our whānau, our hapū, our iwi, we urge all Māori to book in a vaccination for themselves and their whānau.

“Kahlise says feedback received on the current vaccination scheme has been largely positive, with many citing they had received vaccinations to protect their own health and that of their whānau, while others said their reason to vaccinate was underlying medical conditions and future travel plans.

“We want to hear from you if you’re part of a marae, community organisation, social or community group and would like us to bring mobile vaccinations to you.”

Bookings can be made by calling 0800 628 228 (option 9 then option 1), email, or visit us in person at 92 King Street Kopeopeo.

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